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Midwest Grain Roasters
Portable Grain Roasting since 1989

How Roasting Improves Your Bottom Line
Dairy and Ruminants: High producing dairy cows require bypass protein. Roasting soybeans increases the bypass protein of soybeans from 26% to over 60%. ( Our average is 64%) Soybean meal is still “low bypass” at only 35%
Full Fat Roasted Soybeans are a High Energy Protein. Energy, or fat, is expensive. Feeding roasted soybeans is a cost-effective way to supply energy to dairy cows.
Poultry and swine: Raw soybeans have trypsin Inhibitor. The trypsin inhibitor affects protein function resulting in poor performance and health. Poultry and swine do not require bypass protein. Heating soybeans to reduce trypsin to acceptable levels requires less heat than required to roast soybeans for high bypass protein. MGR’s onsite service roasts soybeans specifically for poultry and swine. Too much heat and the solubility is reduced. Feed mill roasted soybeans are “dairy” style” with reduced solubility.
High-Oleic Soybeans
Roasting high oleic soybeans on the farm can be a smart move for dairy farmers looking to optimize their operations and improve profitability. Here's why:
1. High-energy feed for dairy cows: Roasted high oleic soybeans offer a high-energy feed source for dairy cows, supporting milk production and overall health.
2. Improved feed efficiency: Roasting enhances nutrient availability, reducing waste and improving feed efficiency.
3. Cost-effective protein source: Roasted soybeans can replace or supplement more expensive protein sources, like fishmeal or distiller's grains.
4. Increased milk production: Feeding roasted high oleic soybeans can lead to increased milk production and better milk quality.
5. Reduced reliance on external feed sources: By producing your own high-quality feed, you're less dependent on external suppliers and price fluctuations.
6. Value-added use for soybeans: If you already grow soybeans, roasting them for dairy feed adds value to your existing crop.
7. Closed-loop system: Roasting soybeans on the farm creates a closed-loop system, where you grow, process, and feed the soybeans to your dairy cows, minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency.
By roasting high oleic soybeans on the farm, dairy farmers can create a high-quality, cost-effective feed source, supporting the health and productivity of their dairy herd while improving their bottom line.
Corn & Cereal Grains
When cereal grains are roasted they go through a process called gelatinization. This means the starch molecule expands and the long chain molecule is broken into shorter chains. Gelatinization makes the starch more digestible. Cooked corn smells and tastes better. Fecal Starch analysis shows less starch in the manure when roasted grain is fed. Roasted grains make great calf feeds. Roasted grains grind much finer than raw grains. If you need super fine meal it makes sense to roast your cereal grains, especially when you can dry it at the same time. 18-20% is the maximum moisture in this instance.
Wet Soybeans
Roasting dries and adds value to wet soybeans. It is common in the Midwest to have soybeans with a moisture above 20%. Our process dries wet beans to storable levels while simultaneously increasing the bypass levels. Midwest Grain Roasters can maintain bypass values in soybeans up to 18% moisture. We have successfully roasted 25% moisture beans full of ice and snow. These beans are roasted, dried and fully cooked. These beans will store and feed well.
Roasting wet beans does incur higher costs. However, these onsite costs are much less than the shrinks, dock and drying charges the elevators punish you with. Consider this: Elevators charge beans at 15% moisture or greater a shrink factor of 4% per point. That’s a 20% dock on 20% soybeans. Then they charge to dry them. In charges and minimum storage charges are billed as well. Now you have less beans to either sell or roast. Roasting then adds it’s own shrink (10% or more) and charges of $1 per bushel. All of this shrink comes right out of your dry matter basis.
Compare MGR’s service:
Dry beans cost $1.00 to 1.15 per bushel to roast. If the roasting cost per bushel increases to $1.50 it is still much less than the shrinks and docks and you now have a value added roasted soybean. You only lose moisture. All of your dry matter is still in your feed bin.
Salvage Grain
We use the best roaster for moldy grain. The grain passes through a 4.6 million BTU burner multiple times. It’s hot, really hot! Like, 3500° hot. This super heated flame flash burns the CFUs to almost zero and reduces the mycotoxin loads. It is very effective on aflatoxins, where we have seen 90% reductions. Zearalenone, T1 and T2 toxins are also reduced. CFU’s of yeast are also reduced to almost zero. The moldy grain now smells and tastes better and the toxin load is reduced. Wet grain is dried and storable
Midwest Grain Roasters is a family business with deep agricultural roots.
Eric and Julie Hamilton own and operate Midwest Grain Roasters.
Julie and I love agriculture. We both come from rural Western Illinois. She grew up on a small farm and I worked on my Dad's farm and with his ag service business helping anyway I could.
MGR is a family business and the Hamilton Family has been in the Ag Services industry for several generations. When I was a boy my father and grandfather had a fertilizer and ag chemical company called Hamilton Soil Service. This expanded into multiple locations in Western Illinois. A liquid fertilizer blending business was developed called Midwest Fertilizer Exchange that supplied many independent fertilizer dealers. This expansion included a Kent feed dealership that was transformed into Illini Feeds, serving Western Illinois. The Fertilizer and chemical business was sold in 1980 but the feed business remained.
After college and a year working in non-ag I returned to the family ag business, Illini Feeds. During this time, Don Hamilton purchased the first grain Roast-A-Matic roaster. Originally intended as a stationary process he was convinced by Dale Schnupp, of Roast-A-Matic to go “portable.” Soon after a trip or two to Wisconsin the decision to start Midwest Grain Roasters and move to Wisconsin was made. In the spring of 1991 Julie and I were living in Spring Green. We have been serving agriculture in this way ever since. Our sincere THANK YOU goes out to all our customers we’ve worked for through the years.
Since 1989 Midwest Grain Roasters has been roasting soybeans and other grains on site. Our customers are farmers and feed mills.
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4823 Section Line Rd
Dodgeville WI 53533